Slowly approaching the new normal

I’m nearly done with my diet. My weight has stabilized around 172-173 lb., and my calories/day is nearly to the level of maintenance.

I went for a short run today; I planned on 2 miles. However, I could not make it that far. Not sure what was the problem. Could have been my lack of sleep (got to bed around 2 AM last night), could have been what I ate yesterday (a Wendy’s Double with Cheese for lunch, then snacked the rest of the day, ended up eating popcorn at the movies last night (I saw “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” again because the rest of the group hadn’t seen it yet and we didn’t like any of the other choices)), could have been my allergies which have picked up quite a bit with the warm weather, could have been my lack of water.

Or it might be that I’ve been pushing myself harder lately, trying to pick up my speed and increase my endurance at the same time. Maybe I dumped my “coach” too soon? Maybe I still need some guidance for improvement? Maybe so.

I’ll just have to start dating an experienced runner again…