New Orleans Katrina roundup

While the damage done by Hurricane Katrina has mainly fallen off the viewscreens of the traditional media, there are still folk trying to convey what has happened to the Big Easy. Mainly, they’re bloggers. It breaks my heart, and, yes, I still donate to causes that support victims of Katrina and rebuilding in New Orleans. It’s difficult to find credible charities that aren’t just fronts for Haliburton, though, but one that I feel comfortable donating to is Habitat for Humanity.

Here they describe their efforts to aid folks on the Gulf Coast.

And NPR’s “All Things Considered” did a story on a benefit CD of music recorded after Katrina hit (thanks to a new friend, Lisa, for the link) called Our New Orleans, all by local musicians – proceeds from the sale of that album also go to Habitat for Humanity. Click on the link in the upper-right hand corner of the above-linked page, or you can purchase the CD from Amazon. (I’m not an affiliate; I don’t get any kickback if you use that link.)

Also, the Rude Pundit has been visiting New Orleans, a town he spent some time in in the past, and reporting back with an insiders view on what is going on there. The things he sees and reports to are not pretty but worth listening to. He offers no solutions, only information.

Make no mistake; the Rude One is, well, rude. Some would say vulgar and offensive. But it’s the anger of a cynic who has seen his ideals stomped on, repeatedly.

The report, “Katrina Plus Four Months” is in five parts:

  1. Part One
  2. Part Two
  3. Part Three
  4. Part Four
  5. Part Five