Daily Check-In #3

How did I do yesterday on my writing goals?

  • I did not look for more sites to send my freelance articles.
  • I did not look for any content farm sites.
  • I did search Mechanical Turk for writing HITs. Didn’t find any but I did a couple bucks worth of surveys.
  • I didn’t work on my novel at all.
  • I didn’t keep track of interesting articles online.

I did fill out my Contently site a bit more last night, including some links to some product descriptions I wrote for Mturk last year. I wasn’t sure they’d still be on the web, but I searched and found them. I saved a bunch of them as PDFs for my own records. Sure, it’s mind-numbing marketing copy but it’s still writing I got paid for.

How many days will I write “I did not work on my novel at all.” until I shame myself into working on my novel? Maybe the third time’s the charm! The day’s not over yet!